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Heartland Fruit NZ Ltd is based in Nelson, and one of New Zealand’s premium exporters with strong links to retailers globally. The company is owned by two leading apple growing families that have each been producing apples in Nelson for over 100 years. These 2 orchards supply 90% of Heartlands apple volume, Over 80% of Heartland apple sales are direct to retailers around the world, and this includes: Foodstuffs SI NZ, Loblaws Canada, Morrisons UK, Tops Thailand, Giant Malaysia, Lidl Germany, Sainsbury UK, and ICA Sweden. Heartland first started selling Pink Lady in Asia to Giant Malaysia in 2008 and has been a strong believer in branded apple sales since it first launched eve™ into the NZ market in 2000. In 2018 total apple sales by Heartland exceeded NZ$40 million.

Total production by the business: 20,000 tonne 2019 forecast

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